
Do you hear a lot about the importance of Antioxidants and how they prevent some illnesses and help in treating others? So what are these substances and how they work? They are the substances that reduce, neutralize, and protect body cells against free radicals, which are produced during food digestion or being exposed to environmental toxins and radiation. These free radicals affect the immune system negatively and play a role in cancer, heart disease, arthritis, vision problems, and some other diseases by weakening the body ability to produce the amount of Oxygen required to function in a healthy way.

A common visible effect of accumulated free radicals in the body is the aging process, because it makes the body age faster and the person look older than his age, as well as feeling it because of the diseases caused by low immune system.

The most beneficial and well known Antioxidants are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Selenium, and beta-carotene. They are found at many green and orange vegetables, and fruits such as fruits and juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, kiwi, and strawberries.  

Some studies show that you should check if you have deficiency in any of these vitamins, and try to take it concentrated in a supplement form. Of course the best action is to take a supplement that contains all of the antioxidants, while eating foods that are high in them as well. This way you can ensure full health and protection against many diseases plus good young looks.

If you decide to start taking a supplement that is high in Antioxidants, here is one of the best today, just check what it can help you achieve and get a free trial to see the results for yourself.

Get your Acai Berry Select free trial today

Weight Loss Motivation

You've tried to lose weight before, started a healthy diet, bought the best diet supplement in the market, but then something happened that made you stop for a few days and you could not continue, or you just felt it is too difficult to continue this way and the change is too hard on you. This is not an uncommon case, it happens every day to many people. Weight loss motivation is what you need to be able to continue with your plan or to adjust it to suit your lifestyle more. Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:

Clarify Your Reasons: Not everyone has the same reasons for losing weight, some just want to look better, and others are aiming for a healthier lifestyle, while some have to do it because it helps them to treat an illness they're suffering from.

Write Down Your Goals: Be reasonable in deciding your goals, how many pounds you need to lose and what is the right way to do it gradually without affecting your health state. This will make you avoid disappointment which could make you stop and fail.

Think about Health: Losing weight and becoming fit is not only about how you look in a nice dress or your favorite jeans, it is more important to think about how healthy and energetic you could be if you follow the right plan.

Eliminate Excuses: If you want to look for excuses you can find many, but motivating yourself will help you overcome all these excuses. As an example if you work all day in an office and you have to eat outside your home, start by forcing yourself to eat healthy and light food such as salad or fruit yogurt, and then you'll get used to it and really enjoy it, especially when you start to see results.

Seek Inspiration: Use whatever way you think will inspire you more, such as imagining how you could live a better life after shedding the extra pounds, or thinking about your new wardrobe, or even put on the fridge door a picture of you before you put on that extra weight. 

Master Emotional Eating: Emotional eating is something we all do at times of stress, so use your willpower to avoid it, and never give up. Stock your fridge with healthy fruits and vegetables especially the ones that have lot of vitamins and antioxidants, this will make you feel good about your eating style and give you assurance of the results.

Use Natural Diet Supplements: If you need assistance, choose natural and proven supplements that could benefit your health as well as help you lose weight.

Ignore Negative People: They are the ones who'll tell you how many have tried this battle before and failed, they will try to discourage you or ask you to just live your life as it is. Do your best to ignore this type and even avoid them if you can not just about food and health but about all aspects of life.

Track Your Progress: Feeling and seeing the results you achieve will give you more motivation to continue in your efforts. 

Reward Yourself: Put your goal in steps, every step of the way after you lose a certain number of pounds, reward yourself with something that could make you happy, such as a day out in a place you enjoy, a meal in a nice restaurant, or a new outfit that you liked before but could not fit nicely into it.

You can use all the above tips or some of them for your weight loss motivation plan, whatever you think will help you in reaching your goal, just follow it, be persistent and think of the happy results.